Full production phase for the Online Toolkit of the byDesign project

Facilitating GDPR compliance for SMEs and promoting Data Protection by Design in ICT products and services — byDesign

In the context of the byDesign project, a user-friendly Online Toolkit has been developed particularly tailored to the needs of the SMEs, facilitating GDPR compliance with a set of context-aware templates of essential documents.

A questionnaire containing ten (10) simple questions is offered to SMEs respondents, in the form of a wizard, divided in thematic areas that correspond to different sections. Upon completion, a zip file is generated containing suitable and adaptable sample guidance and good practice documents based on the contextual information of each particular SME.

The tool contains an instructions manual and a link to provide your useful assessment.


The Online Toolkit is available here.


For any questions or clarifications you can contact the e-mail address byDesign_online-toolkit@dpa.gr.

Λογότυπο byDesign toolkit & Europe

This online toolkit was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).

Disclaimer: The content of this online toolkit represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.